Blackaby workshop
Bunkertown Brethren Church in McAlisterville is partnering with Blackaby Ministries International to bring a 3-day seminar in Spiritual Coaching to Juniata County! This workshop teaches the basic principles of Spiritual Leadership Coaching. Blackaby Ministries defines Spiritual Coaching as the Spirit-led use of prayer, Scripture, and coaching skills to invite awareness of God’s activity to help people align their life, and those they lead, to god’s divine purposes. Pastors, church leaders, teachers, and Christian Business owners will all benefit from this workshop led by the Blackaby Ministries including Richard Blackaby. Registration is required for this 2-1/2 day training. Dates are September 30-October 2 with daytime meals provided. Registration fee is $399 and can be made by calling 717-463-3572 or online at