*$30 per mo. electronically or by joining the 1K Club


*$30 per mo. electronically or by joining the 1K Club

The dates for this year’s on-air Harvest Share are September 24-27.  We hope you will listen in.  Many look forward to hearing the stories of lives that have been impacted for Christ that we air during these special days.

In the spring, we invite ALL of our listeners to support us financially for the coming year as the Lord leads.  In the fall, we have typically limited our request to those not currently giving.  Each year, we are grateful for how many of our faithful current donors give an extra gift to make sure we meet our annual needs.  Thank you for partnering with us in this vital ministry!

Last Harvest Share, we saw 46 new financial partners join us in our mission to “invite all listeners to Biblical salvation and Christ-centered living.”  We pray that there will be those reading this who will help us exceed last year’s number of new financial partners as the needs are great—both for the ministry and our world.

Early in 2024, we found out that our original and largest station, WTLR 89.9 FM, had to be moved, as the tower we broadcast from  is planned to be torn down.  We must cease broadcasting from our current location by  October 31, 2024.  With only eight months notice, we scrambled to find a new location for our flagship station, engineer the move and complete construction.  God answered our prayers and we hope to make the move from Purdue Mountain near Bellefonte to Tussey Mountain near Pine Grove Mills very soon.

While moving mountains for WTLR was an unexpected expense for this year that needs funded, we also ask you to prayerfully consider supporting us at this time on a regular basis if you are not currently doing so.  It would be our honor to hear from you during our Harvest Share.  Your support ensures that the Gospel continues to be heard through Way Truth Life Radio for years to come.

It bears repeating that the #1 reason why people listen to Way Truth Life Radio is because it helps them grow spiritually.

Through our network of six stations (soon to be eight), new believers and mature believers alike grow in their faith through the teaching, music, and encouragement they hear on the network.

Helen from Lewistown wrote a little while back to say: “I just wanted to thank you for what you are doing at WTLR. Recently, I developed some health issues that have limited my abilities and I am pretty much housebound now. I don’t enjoy commercial tv anymore and  it’s such a blessing to me in finding your Christ-centered radio station! I’m so glad I (or should I say my husband) found you on my iPad now! I especially enjoy the weekday talk shows and of course in the afternoon “Adventures in Odyssey” is such a treat!”

We at Way Truth Life Radio are particularly burdened for those who are homebound or otherwise confined.  One group that we have been trying to minister to in a more meaningful way is the prison population.  We hear from individuals quite often that are incarcerated who tell us how much they depend on our programming.

Kevin wrote: “I am writing from the state prison. I just felt I needed to write you to let you know how much God has used your station to stir my faith in Christ.  I listen to your station as much as I can each and every day. Many times, I am in tears, as I listen to the words of the songs.  I use the inspiration to help me write out devotionals. I have used the inspiration that I get from listening to Christian music to share the gospel with others.  I have decided to look at this place as my mission field.  I start my day in my quiet time talking with God and being in his Word, then I compliment that with listening to your station.  You are making a difference, even in a dark place like this.”

This year, we are partnering with Prison Fellowship and area prisons to place The Holy Bible in the hands of prisoners who have a  desire to grow spiritually.  Would you help us during Harvest Share provide spiritual nourishment and hope through The Life Recovery Bible for people like Kevin?  Prison can be a dark and lonely place filled with hopelessness.  To keep their minds sharp and their hearts encouraged, many prisoners turn to reading.  Your qualifying gift to Way Truth Life Radio as a Gospel Share Partner will place the living Word of God in the hands of a prisoner to read and study.

You can become a Gospel Share Partner during this Harvest Share — providing hope to a prisoner.  For each person who joins our automatic monthly giving program, giving at least $30 per month, Prison Fellowship will provide one Holy Bible to a prisoner in our listening area who desires to grow spiritually.  Because of this, NOW is a great time to join our automatic giving program.  If you are already giving electronically, simply increase your monthly gift by $10 or raise your monthly gift to at least $30 to provide God’s Word to a prisoner.  Alternatively, 3 Bibles can be provided for every $1,000 as a one-time gift.

Please know that we appreciate each gift that you send, no matter the amount or the method by which you give!

Thanks to these organizations for helping to offset the cost of the Bibles!



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