• Sometimes I pray for these things and they get worse. Nobody else is doing anything so I wonder if I’m doing the wrong thing/that I’ve done the wrong thing this whole time.
  • Please help my son find all the confidence he needs and pray those around him begin to respect him.
  • Pray that God will have whoever the man of God is that I will marry someday that will be my future husband find me and introduce himself to me.

    That he will be man of God that is a worship leader, christian singer, christian musician, in a christian band,christian songwriter that writes worship and praise songs, christian music producer, christian artist, christian dj, christian poet, christian dancer, knows how to cook, barbecue, and bake, christian painter.

    That will want to read the entire holy Bible with me from genesis to revelations, have deep discussions about the Scriptures we read.

    And memorize Bible verses with me and for he and I to grow in our faith in God together and deepen our relationships with Jesus.

    That God will bless me with this happening soon.
  • Please can you pray unspoken. Thank you
  • My mother in law is in her last days dealing with cancer. Trying to come home from the hospital to die at home in peace with loved ones via hospice care. Doctors say one thing in the morning, change tune and let her down in the evening. Alot of pain and despair. She was raised catholic and I believe she is saved. Once she comes home, I do plan to have some proper one on one with her despite my crushing farm and work schedule, to know for sure she realizes that a beautiful Heaven is coming.I've listened to WTLR every day while milking cows for almost 10 of my 20 years operating our 3rd generation organic dairy farm. I also listen via the streaming service while driving a milk truck and performing other duties. My wife is having a terrible time with anxiety etc and it's hard to share/my hope of Heaven with her and her hurting family. My mother in law has been perfect to me and I pray for her ease and for hope for her and our family. I pray for us to keep an eye on Jesus and his promises.
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  • 4 years

    I am praising God for a great report from my cancer doctors today! Please continue to pray for recovery from a broken wrist as well.

  • 4 years

    Praising God today for His healing of a friend and her family from Covid-19!

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Artist Name

Second SONG

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Third SONG

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Fourth SONG

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Fifth SONG

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Sixth SONG

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