• I can\'t find my remote for my tv .I know God knows where it is and sm asking for others to join in. I also started nre job so I can be trained for something I can do
    I still have back brace on and God helping with this. Please pray for our church the devil\'s trying to take over the just resigned on Saturday. He every Pentecostal
    Pray he can stay. And something happens and God puts our chruch were he wants us to have in God\'s Will.
  • Dear Lord, give our lawyer wisdom in this situation. In Your name we pray, Amen.
  • Needing prayers for salvation-protection and renewed hope, and to find good Christian friends.
    I\'m facing homelessness, having to live out of my car.
  • Hi my wonderful brothers and sisters at the Way Truth and the Life!Please say a prayer for me i am saved yet homeless at 74 and the stress and tiredness is leaving me very weak!GOD richly bless you bother Danny 7/7/21
  • I almost died and I could have chose to die but I kept living. I took a job then I did a sin which had severe consequences. I say severe because of the punishment and because I changed the US for the worst without realizing it. I prayed and prayed in the COH but kept losing and lost everything. Seems like I’ve now lost even more then I originally had. It was my season and then it changed to a season of judgement. Now I’m told I can’t change it back. I tried desperately to hold on to what I had left..
1 70 71 72 73 74 92



  • 2 years

    Praise and thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for answered prayers and thank you to WTLR for the community of believers willing to pray for others.

  • 3 years

    Was prayed for my back and am clamming whole healing of it. And for my medical health God is able. God will be with you everyday I a listen to the station 24/7 and have since you been on the air. My children grown up with you. PTL thank you in my prayers always.

  • 3 years

    I thank God for our son Daniel turning 19 today and in the Air Force. Daniel continues to be a blessing to our family.
    Ps. 103:1
    I pray God will direct the right door for his work, and that Daniel will remain committed to Jesus. Thank you, amen.

  • 3 years

    Thank the Lord, for answered prayers!

  • 4 years

    Thank you for answered prayers



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