• Please pray for mercy. Thank you
  • Having trouble with anxiety.
  • Vickie Craig has fought cancer and other health problems for several years and just recently found out cancer returned and her platelets are too low fir chemo at this time.

    I have had chronic pain in my entire pelvic region since 2010. I can't take it anymore. Don't want to live like this any longer. The pain never goes away.

    Need two miracles!!!

    Thank you and God bless you.
  • For my brother Ken. He has what he believes is a brain tumor. Please pray for encouragement and direction for treatment.
  • Received a call from my brother in Christ Peppy. He is in the hospital with Covid and cardiac issues. Thank you
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  • 3 years

    Was prayed for my back and am clamming whole healing of it. And for my medical health God is able. God will be with you everyday I a listen to the station 24/7 and have since you been on the air. My children grown up with you. PTL thank you in my prayers always.

  • 3 years

    I thank God for our son Daniel turning 19 today and in the Air Force. Daniel continues to be a blessing to our family.
    Ps. 103:1
    I pray God will direct the right door for his work, and that Daniel will remain committed to Jesus. Thank you, amen.

  • 3 years

    Thank the Lord, for answered prayers!

  • 4 years

    Thank you for answered prayers

  • 4 years

    I praise God that we walks with us through troubled waters, and brings us out again. I thank Him that what the enemy means for evil God turns it around for good. I have learned this lesson since the virus hit. We are just starting to come out of the waters and I am so thankful that God has been there the whole time. One things I can surely say is that when there is nowhere to turn God is there. Draw close to Him because He is faithful to draw near to you.



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