• Please pray I live in a group home the the supervisor that runs the group home and not allow me to spend time with my family he punishes me not to spend time with my family not to do overnights my family\'s believe in every lying in gossiping he\'s saying against me he\'s causing problems with my relationship with me and my family my family is being very aggressive and believe everything he says my family is being mentally emotionally abusive please pray that his supervisor would take over the home visit that I can be with my family and do overnights God needs to open up my family\'s eyes to see that he\'s keeping me hostage in the group home where I can\'t go and spend time with my family please pray that I don\'t lose my family that my family will speak up for me and see that he\'s causing the problem please pray that I get my allowance every Tuesday he\'s holding it against me he has aggressive behavior attitude he takes his behavior out on me saying I have a behavior problem he punishes me
  • Please pray for my husband and I as we walk through the struggles of infertility. With 2 miscarriages last year and the doctors have no answers for us, we know WHO does hold the answers and healing for us!
    Thank you,
  • Please pray for my church, Holy Family, that the new pastor & my boyfriend Gene are filled w the Holy Spirit accrd to Eph 3:18 & that BOTH men are convicted by the Holy Spirit accrdng to 1 Jo 5:16. Break every demonic stronghold in Gene. Heal our relationship& strengthen the love & bond between me & Gene so we can begin our prison ministry & fight for God together. Prvbs 16:3 the Lord tells me to tell Him of my plans & He will establish them. & ask God 2 forgive my mom of all the wrongs that she has done 2me & bless her since she still taught me how to worship God therefore I am able to find eternal life in Jesus name
  • I struggle a lot with being single and I truly desire to be married. I worry a lot that I will never get married and I also worry that I could marry the wrong person. I need God\'s mercy and help with finding the right Christian lady to marry. I really do desire a marriage that is blessed by God, Proverbs 18:22. Please pray that Jesus Christ in His grace and mercy will help me find and marry a wife who is beautiful to me, the helpmeet who is right and best for me. Please pray that Jesus Christ will help me be a good husband. Thank you. May God bless all of you.
  • Please pray for my mother today. My dad passed at the end of July and today would have been their 61 wedding anniversary.
    Please pray for comfort and peace. I am struggling with this huge loss too.

    Thank you for your amazing ministry!

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  • 3 days

    I prayed to have a Christian husband, and my Lord sent a strong man and even set up our marriage five years ago. I prayed my daughter would be happy with whatever path she chose in life, she will be able to retire in 3 years. I prayed my granddaughter would be able to have a good life because of her congenital special needs, and she just finished her first year of college, on the Dean’s list( one “B”, all other grades “A”) Thru the many years of single mom, with much family help and prayer without ceasing as I worked as well as at home. Just so glad my mom was a good Christian gal and my Dad was deeply dedicated in everything he did, to our Lord. Thank you for all your programs on WTL radio.
    Just wanted to pass on

  • 8 months

    A listener is praising God that she only lost one of her jobs after suffering a concussion.

  • 9 months

    Am grateful for that we have Christian stations to listen too. I have done this since 1978. God is good and loves us all.

  • 11 months

    I asked for prayer for a situation that is causing my husband (and our family) anxiety and stress. I am praising God today that he is making a way for us through this concern. Thank you for your prayers.

  • 2 years

    Praise and thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for answered prayers and thank you to WTLR for the community of believers willing to pray for others.

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