• “My name is Ashley, and I Thank God for moving mountains to get me home from prison in Jan of 2025. My four children need me. Michael is 16, Liz is 14, Logan is 12, and Frankie is 9. May God bless them all.”
  • I have a divorce hearing today, Im asking for a miracle. Asking for prayers in agreement for God's intervention and restoration in Jesus’ name. Pray for my wife and our children.
  • Sean Justin Penn.
    Too,Receive Salvation and Water Baptize in
    Jesus name.
  • My mom, sister & I have really been struggling going through some hardships and needing God's strength & healing to help us through. Thank you so very much for praying
  • My Husband just passed away of 45 yrs of marriage.....please pray the mortgage company gets the right information to have me to be able to keep my home!!!!!!!! Finances are very hard at the moment....thank you.
1 3 4 5 6 7 89



  • 3 years

    Was prayed for my back and am clamming whole healing of it. And for my medical health God is able. God will be with you everyday I a listen to the station 24/7 and have since you been on the air. My children grown up with you. PTL thank you in my prayers always.

  • 3 years

    I thank God for our son Daniel turning 19 today and in the Air Force. Daniel continues to be a blessing to our family.
    Ps. 103:1
    I pray God will direct the right door for his work, and that Daniel will remain committed to Jesus. Thank you, amen.

  • 3 years

    Thank the Lord, for answered prayers!

  • 3 years

    Thank you for answered prayers

  • 4 years

    I praise God that we walks with us through troubled waters, and brings us out again. I thank Him that what the enemy means for evil God turns it around for good. I have learned this lesson since the virus hit. We are just starting to come out of the waters and I am so thankful that God has been there the whole time. One things I can surely say is that when there is nowhere to turn God is there. Draw close to Him because He is faithful to draw near to you.



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