• And both of my knees very little cartilage and my right knee is been acting up again in pain but both knees need healing and they said if I can’t get shots anymore I will need to get surgery on the knees but I’m praying Cartlidge will be put back as I pray healing and my knees so I won’t have to go through surgery so please agree agree with me in prayer that this will happen
  • Please pray for Josephine. She fell last month and broke her hip. She has since had surgery and is now at home going through physical therapy. Please pray that she is restored to health and able to walk on her own without a walker.
  • Please pray peace and protection over my brother. I ask for God's physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental healing and restoration. Please pray, in particular, for good sleep. Through insomnia, Satan tries to magnify fear, doubt, and despair. Let these and his other lies not stand! I pray instead, that God anoints my brother with safe nights and mornings that are full of new hope. Please pray that angels stand guard around my brother. Please pray victory in Jesus. Thank you!
  • Please pray that the Lord continues to give me strength as I search for a new home and new car. And bless all of the wonderful people in my life who have helped me thus far. Thanks to God for all of his silent blessings and reminders of his love.
  • I have arthritis in my knees and on my left knee back in November I got a shot in that me and they took x-rays of both knees and I hardly have Cartlidge left in each day but now since over the weekend my other knee to the right has been hurting so I’m going to call today to see if I can get a shot in that one but also I have no money to cover getting surgery because they said that would be the next step so pray I can get the shot and pray for moneyTo cover surgery. I’m praying healing to those knees agree with me and thank you
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  • 4 months

    I prayed to have a Christian husband, and my Lord sent a strong man and even set up our marriage five years ago. I prayed my daughter would be happy with whatever path she chose in life, she will be able to retire in 3 years. I prayed my granddaughter would be able to have a good life because of her congenital special needs, and she just finished her first year of college, on the Dean’s list( one “B”, all other grades “A”) Thru the many years of single mom, with much family help and prayer without ceasing as I worked as well as at home. Just so glad my mom was a good Christian gal and my Dad was deeply dedicated in everything he did, to our Lord. Thank you for all your programs on WTL radio.
    Just wanted to pass on

  • 1 year

    A listener is praising God that she only lost one of her jobs after suffering a concussion.

  • 1 year

    Am grateful for that we have Christian stations to listen too. I have done this since 1978. God is good and loves us all.

  • 1 year

    I asked for prayer for a situation that is causing my husband (and our family) anxiety and stress. I am praising God today that he is making a way for us through this concern. Thank you for your prayers.

  • 2 years

    Praise and thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for answered prayers and thank you to WTLR for the community of believers willing to pray for others.

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