• Pray for our former pastor, Jim, as he recovers from a hip replacement. Pray for no pain and a speedy recovery. Thank you.
  • Greetings, please pray for us that no part of my extended family’s property will be expropriated/forcibly bought anymore by the government, and that the agencies pursuing this would cease. Also, please pray for healing for my asthma, as well as for protection against COVID-19 for our entire family. Thank you very much and God bless.
  • Please pray for 3 year old little girl Aspen. She has a UTI and has a high fever. Please also prayer for her Great Grandmother Connie who needs a new heart valve and her Great Grandfather "Popeye" who has been sick for some time.
  • Please pray for my friend Brian, up date on his condition!!
    He is badley nourished and liver is in bad shape! He is very weak!! He was released from the hospital way to soon!! The ex girlfriend is with him calling all the shots and he does want her there!! To scared to speak up!! I have not heard from him and lord I don't know why. He claims he love me!! A good friend of his she like his adopted mother called me to up date. She to is very scared for his well being. I asked her why want he reach out to me!! She said he scared to ENVOLED me in the drama. Lord you know his heart and what he needs
    Lord please take control, remove the ex so me and his adopted mom can be with him and get him the help he needs!! His real mother can't she had neck surgery and in bad shape her self. She the one who pushed the ex back into his house!! Lord what can I do other then pray. Lord I dont want to loose another person I love or be destroyed. Lord does he truly love me or did he just say that ..lor
  • Gracious God. We love you. You are the center of our joy and the strength of our lives. We pray against the spirit of anti Christ,false witness,terrorism,idolatry, sexual immorality,sorcery,leviathan,jezebel,witchcraft,hatred,wars, pestilences, famine,divination and violence. We pray that the spirit of darkness be lifted from America and the scales would be lifted from peoples eyes that they may see the truth and be set free. Your word says in I Corinthians 6:9-11Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God We pray for a return of your people to the fear of the lord and that the ancient foundations of American be not removed and that you would bring men and women to a place of repentance and forgive our sins. Please forgive us Lord! We are all guilty! Give us hearts to know you that we might return to you. Jeremiah 24:7 says it so perfectly and we claim this promise: Then I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am the LORD; and they shall be My people, a
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  • 2 months

    I prayed to have a Christian husband, and my Lord sent a strong man and even set up our marriage five years ago. I prayed my daughter would be happy with whatever path she chose in life, she will be able to retire in 3 years. I prayed my granddaughter would be able to have a good life because of her congenital special needs, and she just finished her first year of college, on the Dean’s list( one “B”, all other grades “A”) Thru the many years of single mom, with much family help and prayer without ceasing as I worked as well as at home. Just so glad my mom was a good Christian gal and my Dad was deeply dedicated in everything he did, to our Lord. Thank you for all your programs on WTL radio.
    Just wanted to pass on

  • 11 months

    A listener is praising God that she only lost one of her jobs after suffering a concussion.

  • 11 months

    Am grateful for that we have Christian stations to listen too. I have done this since 1978. God is good and loves us all.

  • 1 year

    I asked for prayer for a situation that is causing my husband (and our family) anxiety and stress. I am praising God today that he is making a way for us through this concern. Thank you for your prayers.

  • 2 years

    Praise and thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for answered prayers and thank you to WTLR for the community of believers willing to pray for others.

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