• Please can you pray that god opens a new door for 2021 for a job opportunity. I am in government and on a time limit with finding a transfer opportunity. I have 4 weeks as have an untenable workplace situation. Lord please can you open a door and bless the job applications I have submitted. Please open the right door.
  • Hi, I'm asking for prayers for my , our daughter & son in law tested positive for Covid, last week.
    The only symptoms was a stuffy nose. They will be out of quarantine on the 27th.
    We just moved our Christmas to then.
    My Brother & wife
    are now making a big deal about being around them.
    They were fine yesterday 26th coming the 27th, now today he changed his mind & now they aren't coming. He wasn't nice about it.
    I'm hurt & heart broken, because our daughter & son in law are over the Covid.
    Please pray that God will work this all out.
    I'm just so sadden by their comments.
    Sorry, so long winded.
  • Please pray for me. I am being overcome by all the evil around me. I am losing hope and my faith is being tested .mightily. I just need a ray of light to give me hope. Thank you.
  • Please pray for Josephine who is having issues with blood pressure. She has an appointment today with the doctors.
  • Pray for 3 yr old Sophia, my grand-daughter and her 30 yr old mother, Claire, my daughter. Pray for God's loving protection, safety, salvation, and health. They left home on 11.9.20, and now they are missing. Claire left home (with her young child) with no job, little money, emotionally distraught with a history of doing drugs. Pray she accepts Jesus. Pray God's protection over Sophia. May angels watch over them, guiding them both quickly and safely home to family and to God.
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  • 2 months

    I prayed to have a Christian husband, and my Lord sent a strong man and even set up our marriage five years ago. I prayed my daughter would be happy with whatever path she chose in life, she will be able to retire in 3 years. I prayed my granddaughter would be able to have a good life because of her congenital special needs, and she just finished her first year of college, on the Dean’s list( one “B”, all other grades “A”) Thru the many years of single mom, with much family help and prayer without ceasing as I worked as well as at home. Just so glad my mom was a good Christian gal and my Dad was deeply dedicated in everything he did, to our Lord. Thank you for all your programs on WTL radio.
    Just wanted to pass on

  • 11 months

    A listener is praising God that she only lost one of her jobs after suffering a concussion.

  • 11 months

    Am grateful for that we have Christian stations to listen too. I have done this since 1978. God is good and loves us all.

  • 1 year

    I asked for prayer for a situation that is causing my husband (and our family) anxiety and stress. I am praising God today that he is making a way for us through this concern. Thank you for your prayers.

  • 2 years

    Praise and thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for answered prayers and thank you to WTLR for the community of believers willing to pray for others.

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